- 8 مارس 2021
- 14
- 3
- 3
- الجنس
- ذكر
ذهب السلطان للمفتي الخاص بالسلطنة لكي يأخذ منه فتوى قبل فعل هذا، لكنه لم يجد المفتي وترك له رسالة كتب بها هل قتل النمل ضار؟، ولما عاد المفتي قرأ الرسالة وبعث للسلطان قائلا له هناك أمور أهم من النمل والأشجار، كانت هذه القصة واحدة من الأمور التي رعم بساطتها كان لا يقدم السلطان سليمان علي تنفيذها قبل استشارة الفقهاء والعلماء والمفتي.
ولما مات السلطان سليمان وجدوا في قبره صندوق مملوء بفتاوي المفتي والعلماء وقد وصى بوضعها معه في قبره لكي يدافع بها عن نفسه يوم القيامة، حتي دهش العلماء من صنيعه، ولقد لقب السلطان سليمان بالقانوني لأنه كان يطبق القانون في كل شئ
سأل أحد الرجال أين هذا الرجل الآن؟، قال رجل آخر انه الآن في مصر بعد أن انقذه الملك الصالح من الفاطميين، فقال الشيخ لكن الرجل في الأسر الآن للمرة الرابعة ويريد أن ننجده، فهب الرجال وانقذوا أسامة بن منقذ من أسره، وعاد الرجال بأسامة بن منقذ لقبيلتهم وفرح زعيم القبيلة برؤية الرجل كثيرا وقال له لقد أنجاك الله للمرة الرابعة من موت محقق.
سال الرجل المسن عن نجم إبليس ونجم سيدنا آدم عليه السلام، فتعجب الماوردي عن السؤال فهذا أمر لا يسأل عنه سوى العلماء في الدين.
فتعجب الماوردي والحضور من السؤال ولكن الماوردي أجابه وقال أن المنجمون يدعون أن نجوم البشر لا يمكن معرفتها إلا بمعرفة مواليدهم، وأكمل حديثه وقال للرجل المسن إذا عرفت شخصا يعرف الأمر فأسأله هذا السؤال، فشكره الرجل المسن ورحل، ولكن بعد عدة أيام عاد الرجل المسن للماوردي وقال له لا يوجد احد يعرف مولد النجمين.
The story is English.
The Sultan went to the Mufti of the Sultanate to take from him a fatwa before doing this, but he did not find the Mufti and left him a letter written in which he wrote, "Did killing ants be
harmful?", and when the Mufti returned he read the letter and sent to the Sultan, telling him there are more important things than ants and trees, this story was one of the things that he saw simplicity was not provided by Sultan Suleiman ali to carry it out before consulting the jurists, scholars and muftis.
When Sultan Suleiman died, they found in his grave a box filled with fatwas of mufti sins and scholars, and he recommended that he put them with him in his grave in order to defend himself on the Day of Resurrection, until the scholars were astonished by his creation, and sultan Suleiman was called the legal because he was applying the law in everything.
Charity is not lost.
While the full moon shines in the area of the archaeological vault of Pharaoh in Petra, Jordan, Mansour al-Taie set up a large marquee and sat in the middle of it and surrounded himself with coffee jugs and sat silently thinking deeply, and suddenly said to the audience, remembera man named Osama bin Savith, a poet who saved me from captivity after defeating us in the battle that took place near Fort Shears overlooking the River Assi?, the men answered yes we remember this man is the only survivor of the earthquakes of all the castles in that area.
One of the men asked where this man is now?, another man said that now in Egypt after the good king saved him from the Fatimids, said sheikh but the man in captivity now for the fourth time and wants to find him, the men went and rescued Osama bin Muqtada from his captivity, and returned the men osama bin Savile to their kiss and the leader of the tribe rejoiced to see the man a lot and told him god has given you for the fourth time from the death of a detective.
Talk as much as the mind.
Roy al-Mardi said that he was in his council in Basra city and he was teaching his students and friends, and suddenly an old man 80 years old entered him, the old man said I chose you to decide something for me, and al-Mardi said ask and ask what you want, man.
The elderly man asked about the star of Satan and the star of Our Lord Adam(as) and the Mourdi wondered about the question, which is something only those who are asking about religion.
He continued his talk and said to the old man if he knew someone who knew the matter, he asked him this question, and he thanked the old man and left, but after several days the old man returned to The Mardi and told him that no one knows the birth of the two stars.
ولما مات السلطان سليمان وجدوا في قبره صندوق مملوء بفتاوي المفتي والعلماء وقد وصى بوضعها معه في قبره لكي يدافع بها عن نفسه يوم القيامة، حتي دهش العلماء من صنيعه، ولقد لقب السلطان سليمان بالقانوني لأنه كان يطبق القانون في كل شئ
الإحسان لا يضيع
بينما البدر يسطع في منطقة خزنة فرعون الأثرية بالبتراء الأردنية أقام منصور الطائي سرادق كبيرا وجلس في وسطه وأحاط نفسه بأباريق القهوة وجلس بكل صمت وهو يفكر بعمق، وقال فجأة للحاضرين أتذكرون رجلا اسمه أسامة بن منقذ ذلك الشاعر الذي انقذني من الأسر بعد أن هزمنا في المعركة التي دارت بالقرب من حصن شيرز الذي يطل علي نهر العاصي؟، أجاب الرجال نعم نذكر هذا الرجل، فهذا الرجل هو الناجي الوحيد من زلازل هدم كل القلاع في تلك المنطقة.سأل أحد الرجال أين هذا الرجل الآن؟، قال رجل آخر انه الآن في مصر بعد أن انقذه الملك الصالح من الفاطميين، فقال الشيخ لكن الرجل في الأسر الآن للمرة الرابعة ويريد أن ننجده، فهب الرجال وانقذوا أسامة بن منقذ من أسره، وعاد الرجال بأسامة بن منقذ لقبيلتهم وفرح زعيم القبيلة برؤية الرجل كثيرا وقال له لقد أنجاك الله للمرة الرابعة من موت محقق.
الحديث علي قدر العقل
روي الماوردي انه كان في مجلسه بمدينة البصرة وكان يقوم بالتدريس لطلابه وأصحابه، وفجأة دخل عليه رجل مسن يبلغ من العمر ثمانين عاما، قال الرجل المسن اخترتك لكي تبت لي في أمر ما، فقال الماوردي اطلب واسأل ما تشاء أيها الرجل.سال الرجل المسن عن نجم إبليس ونجم سيدنا آدم عليه السلام، فتعجب الماوردي عن السؤال فهذا أمر لا يسأل عنه سوى العلماء في الدين.
فتعجب الماوردي والحضور من السؤال ولكن الماوردي أجابه وقال أن المنجمون يدعون أن نجوم البشر لا يمكن معرفتها إلا بمعرفة مواليدهم، وأكمل حديثه وقال للرجل المسن إذا عرفت شخصا يعرف الأمر فأسأله هذا السؤال، فشكره الرجل المسن ورحل، ولكن بعد عدة أيام عاد الرجل المسن للماوردي وقال له لا يوجد احد يعرف مولد النجمين.
The story is English.
The Sultan went to the Mufti of the Sultanate to take from him a fatwa before doing this, but he did not find the Mufti and left him a letter written in which he wrote, "Did killing ants be
harmful?", and when the Mufti returned he read the letter and sent to the Sultan, telling him there are more important things than ants and trees, this story was one of the things that he saw simplicity was not provided by Sultan Suleiman ali to carry it out before consulting the jurists, scholars and muftis.
When Sultan Suleiman died, they found in his grave a box filled with fatwas of mufti sins and scholars, and he recommended that he put them with him in his grave in order to defend himself on the Day of Resurrection, until the scholars were astonished by his creation, and sultan Suleiman was called the legal because he was applying the law in everything.
Charity is not lost.
While the full moon shines in the area of the archaeological vault of Pharaoh in Petra, Jordan, Mansour al-Taie set up a large marquee and sat in the middle of it and surrounded himself with coffee jugs and sat silently thinking deeply, and suddenly said to the audience, remembera man named Osama bin Savith, a poet who saved me from captivity after defeating us in the battle that took place near Fort Shears overlooking the River Assi?, the men answered yes we remember this man is the only survivor of the earthquakes of all the castles in that area.
One of the men asked where this man is now?, another man said that now in Egypt after the good king saved him from the Fatimids, said sheikh but the man in captivity now for the fourth time and wants to find him, the men went and rescued Osama bin Muqtada from his captivity, and returned the men osama bin Savile to their kiss and the leader of the tribe rejoiced to see the man a lot and told him god has given you for the fourth time from the death of a detective.
Talk as much as the mind.
Roy al-Mardi said that he was in his council in Basra city and he was teaching his students and friends, and suddenly an old man 80 years old entered him, the old man said I chose you to decide something for me, and al-Mardi said ask and ask what you want, man.
The elderly man asked about the star of Satan and the star of Our Lord Adam(as) and the Mourdi wondered about the question, which is something only those who are asking about religion.
He continued his talk and said to the old man if he knew someone who knew the matter, he asked him this question, and he thanked the old man and left, but after several days the old man returned to The Mardi and told him that no one knows the birth of the two stars.